What To Do With An Offense
Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.Proverbs 19:11 What would it mean to overlook an offense? When you are wronged in some way, to whatever degree, what thinking do you apply to that incident that tells you whether or not you ought to overlook it? Maybe your emotions make the decision for you. Maybe your “history” with that person makes the decision for you. And maybe you are thoughtful and prayerful as you consider what ought to be done. The thing is, overlooking an offense does not mean turning a blind eye as if nothing happened. Quite the opposite. To overlook, in…
If Not Today, When?
If you are holding something against another person, or if you know they are holding something against you, what keeps you from going to them for resolution? Maybe you think, it’s too small to bother with today. At some point you will hear yourself say that it’s too big to bother with, and you will most likely move on, stepping over that pile of festering, unresolved muck. Of course you know the pile doesn’t go away. It keeps growing, both in you and the other person. You might be curious to have missed the point where the issue was just the right size to address and make right. That’s because…
Wisdom Of The World?
If I seek to apply the wisdom of the world as the events of this week unfold, I will make no meaningful contribution to the greater good. I will in no way advance the kingdom of God. I will not aid anyone’s attempt to rise above the fray. I will be a child of God content to keep the light of the world hidden within me. That’s not going to do. For most of us, there are but a handful of people we directly influence. Most of them live under the same roof we do. The rest we are likely maintaining running text threads with. In other words, they are…
Wisdom Traits
Need wisdom? I’ve never been more keenly aware of the need for the wisdom from above for myself, my family, my friends, my fellow Christians, and my fellow citizens (nationally/globally). Can I know for certain if Godly wisdom shows up? Can I recognize whether or not I’m applying the wisdom of God? Apparently, it’s possible to look for very specific attributes in order to establish the authenticity of the presence of the wisdom of God. The Holy Spirit was kind to inspire James to record them for us. Buckle up. Godly Wisdom Traits: pure peaceable gentle open to reason full of mercy full of good fruits impartial sincere When’s the…
NON-Essentials & the HEART
In essentials unity,in non-essentials liberty,in all things charity.“ German Lutheran theologian, Rupertus Meldenius It’s one thing to acknowledge and even agree with this quote. It’s another thing altogether to live it out. I started exploring the quote in my last post, asking if I knew for certain what essential beliefs bind us together as the family of God. The idea is that everything outside those essential beliefs would be seen as non-essential. In those non-essential areas, I would choose to extend liberty— the freedom to think differently than I think. That leaves space for me to passionately hold to my preferences, without losing sight of my Christian siblings’ freedom to do…
What IS the MAIN Thing
Unity within the body of Christ is fragile in the best of times. The tensions of 2020 have taken their toll on that unity in ways I have not personally experienced before. I’ve heard a few Christians lately talk about keeping the main thing the main thing. In the growing number of conversations (more like confrontations) surrounding controversial hot-buttons, I am feeling the need to know for certain what the main thing even is. The phrase reminds me of something oft-quoted by my husband— In essentials unity,in non-essentials liberty,in all things charity.“ German Lutheran theologian, Rupertus Meldenius To keep the main thing the main thing, I have to know what is…
Cease-Fire & Pray
What does the need to pray earnestly, and the growing disunity among followers of Jesus have in common? For me, these two things have merged in an unusual way. The visual I have is of two Christians holding opposite views about a volatile current event, kneeling side by side, and beseeching God for His will to be accomplished on the matter. No hedged prayer hoping God will enlighten the other person as if that is what’s necessary to accomplish His divine will— just two Christ-ones with everything essential in common, asking God to come and do what He deems right to do. So, I’m asking myself who I know personally,…
I’d Like to Stop Being Part of The Problem | Reflections on Racism
I think I’m still part of the problem of keeping racism alive. My heart aches for the plight of black men and women in our nation. My heart grieves for the pervasiveness of racism that still lives. But I’m certain I’m still contributing to it and I don’t want to anymore. Every tumultuous uprising can be a forum for personal reform (which is how authentic broad-based reform comes to pass) so I’m asking God, “Please reform me.” I’m in love with the diversity of the color of people’s skin. I’m in love with the diversity of people’s unique cultures. I’m in love with the nuances that come with that diversity.…
The Trouble With Forgiveness
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,but against the rulers, against the authorities,against the cosmic powers over this present darkness,against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.Ephesians 6:12 (ESV) I can’t imagine there is one of us exempt from invitations to succumb to our PROFOUND fatigue from COVID-life and the pervasive national civil unrest. Let’s guard our hearts against the mounting temptation to engage in peripheral ‘hot-spot’ conversations. They end up dividing Christians when unity is of paramount importance. Unforgiveness can root before we know it, and then we are essentially off the grid-of-effectiveness for the Kingdom of God. The song below reminds me of my…
Three Rings of Peace ~
COVID19 hit and the Lord ignited my heart concerning PEACE. It’s as indispensable to the inner-person as air is to the body. What is this intangible? Where do I get it? Can I lose it once I find it? Are there a variety of sources for it or just one? How dangerous are the counterfeits? Can I live without it… because it doesn’t seem like I can? It sure isn’t easy to get my hands on it, or hang onto it once I do. Never in my lifetime has PEACE been so sought after or so elusive (depending on where you’re looking for it). As I Christ follower, I believe…
ZOOM Stones –
As you come to Him, a living stonerejected by men but in the sight of Godchosen and precious,you yourselves like living stonesare being built up as a spiritual house,to be a holy priesthood,to offer spiritual sacrificesacceptable to God through Jesus Christ.I Peter 2:4-5 I have had enough ZOOM chats since the onset of COVID19 to “see” small squares with faces in them when I close my eyes. That’s a little odd but not unwelcome. I have thrived in this aspect of isolation, being able to meaningfully connect with people in a way that has been surprisingly intimate and comfortable. It occurs to me that I am experiencing an aspect of…
Peace Agents
Peace I leave with you;My peace I give you.I do not give to you as the world gives.Do not let your hearts be troubledand do not be afraid.John 14:27 As the world responds to the life-altering implications of COVID19, Christ-ones have the unprecedented opportunity to be agents of the PEACE of God. We have His PEACE because He gave it to us, (John 14:27), and if we’re going to honor Him as His children, we need to be ready to be agents of His PEACE, (Matthew 5:9). Like innumerable gifts He gives to us, the PEACE of God is ours to steward. It’s meant to grow on the branches of…
I Know Too Much About the Lord to Tank…
I know too much about the Lord to tank right now.” I piped up with that statement in our community group ZOOM chat last week and was encouraged to briefly elaborate. I fall within the majority of the population who has been impacted by COVID19 but is NOT suffering significant hardship. Even so, there isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not invited to embrace fear and anxiety as I look out into an unknown future. Two simple things fuel my “I know too much…” statement. When I look forward to the future, I remember those things that are sure (the promises of God) and try very hard to…
In Preparation for Lent – February 26, ’20
(Each Lent entry will give us a few days to ponder and sit with the Lord surrounding the scripture passages in that entry. The paragraphs following the passages are intended to give some guidance as we draw into the presence of God and dialogue with Him.) Meditation for the Soul ~ I will instruct you and teach youin the way you should go;I will counsel you with my eye upon you.Psalm 32:8For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:“I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with himwho is of a contrite and lowly spirit.Isaiah 57:15 Reflection for the Mind…
One Year Mark
If you’d like to view a montage w/ audio, click here:One Year Mark – Youtube Thousand Oaks has been home for my family and I for more than thirty years. A year ago our individual and collective lives were severely shaken, and for some of us, the unimaginable had occurred. Triggers have come sporadically all year long for everyone I know, including myself. But they are coming more frequently and more intensely as the year mark approaches. 11/07/’18 is our 9/11. There is a strange glob in my psyche containing bits that ordinarily would have no connection to each other at all. But they are forever connected for me. ~…