'Day One' Blog

Wisdom Traits

Need wisdom? I’ve never been more keenly aware of the need for the wisdom from above for myself, my family, my friends, my fellow Christians, and my fellow citizens (nationally/globally).

Can I know for certain if Godly wisdom shows up? Can I recognize whether or not I’m applying the wisdom of God? Apparently, it’s possible to look for very specific attributes in order to establish the authenticity of the presence of the wisdom of God. The Holy Spirit was kind to inspire James to record them for us. Buckle up.

Godly Wisdom Traits:

  • pure
  • peaceable
  • gentle
  • open to reason
  • full of mercy
  • full of good fruits
  • impartial
  • sincere

When’s the last time I remember thinking I brought wisdom to bear in my life? I’m sifting that memory through this list of traits. Selah. Many points of need will surface in the day before me. Only wisdom from above will do in response to those needs. So please Lord, I’m asking for wisdom— Your wisdom.

But the wisdom from above is first pure,
then peaceable, gentle, open to reason,
full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace
by those who make peace.
James 3:17-18 (ESV)


  • Jana

    Love being reminded of these words. Wisdom is my “Rock Word” this year so dwelling on all the different aspects of how to internalize all God has for me to learn about this important Godly trait is great!

  • Kathleen


    Thank you for being a calm, steady voice … reminding of what His wisdom is and looks like.

    Lord, we need you. Lord, we need Your wisdom in this world today.

    Blessings friend,

  • Scott Sowers

    If we just used these criteria to screen our sources of “wisdom” the world would be much better. From my own experience I think wisdom usually comes from humble people, on other identifier I consider.

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