ZOOM Stones –

As you come to Him, a living stone
rejected by men but in the sight of God
chosen and precious,
you yourselves like living stones
are being built up as a spiritual house,
to be a holy priesthood,
to offer spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
I Peter 2:4-5
I have had enough ZOOM chats since the onset of COVID19 to “see” small squares with faces in them when I close my eyes. That’s a little odd but not unwelcome. I have thrived in this aspect of isolation, being able to meaningfully connect with people in a way that has been surprisingly intimate and comfortable.
It occurs to me that I am experiencing an aspect of what it means to be the LIVING STONES the Apostle Peter spoke of. If indeed we are each a stone in what would be a spiritual building for the Holy Spirit to indwell, how meaningful to “see” the face of one of my spiritual siblings upon each one. How highly personal and familial is that building of which I am but one stone. How intimate and close we all are, providing indispensable support for one another, with our Beloved Savior as the Chief Cornerstone!
There are treasures hiding for us within this trying time we are all navigating. This is one for me. When you’re on your next ZOOM chat, see those faces as a portion of one of the walls of THE spiritual house! Be encouraged brothers and sisters. God is near and continuing to gift us in creative, unexpected ways!
Strength For the Journey,
~ Anne
Lisa Smith
This is a really creative way to look at Zoom meetings! I love it! And it reminds me, as a teacher, to see the little squares on my screen as real people who are loved by God and matter, which is something that I can forget at times as I get caught up in less important details. :( I will be sharing this with many of my colleagues! Thank you, Anne!
So well put and beautifully written, Anne… we are blessed, and ministered to, by all the creative juices that flow through you!
Anne Barbour
I love and miss you and my sweet brother! Thank you for your encouraging words, Nancy!
Love this visual of us being the living stones in our “squares”on a zoom call, supporting each other as we lean on our chief Cornerstone. Such a beautiful picture!❤️