Selfless | Lent 2024
As I journey very slowly through the passages of scripture that cover the hours of the Last Supper and the walk to the garden of Gethsemane, I am overwhelmed by the selflessness of Jesus. Everything I need to know about what it means to love someone is in the narrative. Jesus and His twelve disciples share Passover, then take a walk together. He uses the time to prepare His inner circle for what’s coming in the next few hours and beyond. Jesus has taught His followers to depend entirely upon Him, so He knows that His impending departure is going to send them reeling. And their dinner conversation (the download…
Jesus’ Person | Lent 2024
Jesus’ connection with the Holy Spirit is well represented within the Easter narrative. You’re going to read a few Lent entries about this in week two which begins tomorrow. It strikes me that the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus has been in relationship with from eternity, is Jesus’ key person. There’s more mystery in that supposition than I can possibly grapple with. But what’s on my mind today is this__the Holy Spirit indwells me just as He did Jesus. He means to engage with me the way He did with Jesus. So one of the questions I’m asking as I write is: Do I consider Him my person? Because when I…
Lent 2024
Today marks day one of Lent. If you don’t have a Lent tradition I encourage you to explore what’s available so that your journey toward Easter (yes, it’s right around the corner) will be meaningful for you and those around you. I’m prayerfully recommending Jesus, Love to the End as a devotional for you this Lent season. It’s available on Amazon. The story of the life of Jesus, particularly the roughly ten days leading up to His crucifixion, are among the most compelling in all of history. A slow walk through them was life-changing for me and I think it will be for you too. It’s fitting that the first…