Fully Present
“We are drowning
in information
but starved
for knowledge.”
– John Naisbitt (Megatrends)
…always learning
and never able to come
to the knowledge of the truth.
~2 Timothy 3:7~
The quote and scripture verse above tell the plain tale about why modalities like Facebook don’t suit me. My temperamental psyche cannot manage bits and pieces about people that I am not in active relationship with. For the most part, I have no internal modem that knows how to file or retrieve daily details with anyone other than my primary people. I realize I’m the exception and have no qualms with those that find Facebook and other similar information exchanges helpful and interesting. It’s just not for me. A few years ago, I had a friend put it to me something like this, humankind was never designed to manage the onslaught of global information that we receive moment by moment. We are buckling under the weight of trying to carry the cares of the world.
While I may not be able to carry the cares of the world, I think it’s vital to have a global view. I think it’s imperative to have a global context that provides insight into Kingdom work, into the state of the Church around the world, into the fulfillment of prophesy, and into the plight of Christians being persecuted defending their allegiance to Jesus Christ. It’s vital because we must have a global context with which to filter the daily pieces of our lives. It’s a macro view helping the micro moment find its proper level of import. That’s a big deal.
I know a few very brave souls who take the information they acquire, and allow God to filter it, so that what’s sound remains. For them, that information ceases to be ‘information’ and becomes knowledge, which when actualized, morphs into wisdom. They fulfill the scripture that says, “you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Knowing, in that verse, is perpetually choosing to integrate truth.
Some of us view information like collectors, seeking what interests us and hoarding it as an end unto itself. We are folks with priceless art collections sealed behind a vault door, where no one can benefit from their beauty. But others of us are looking for anything, on any front, that might help navigate the daunting seas of life. We will go to the ends of the earth searching for truth. We look to move forward. To the degree that information helps, we want it.
Stuart Briscoe, in his commentary on the book of Genesis says, “To put it simply, as we live in a veritable explosion of information about our psyches, our societies, our bodies, and our environment, we are certainly not living in a parallel explosion of knowledge about God. Those who do know Him often admit they are drowning in information about Him yet starving for knowledge of Him.” If knowledge is active (the integrating of reliable, truthful information into our system of belief), then we cannot merely be collectors.
Life is about love of God and love of people. So I often ask myself, “Who’s in front of me right now? Is the knowledge I collect finding it’s way to the primary people in my life and making a positive difference? Who or what is getting my energy and time? Am I collecting bits and pieces of information, allowing God to use it to deepen my experience with Him and the people He’s put in my sphere of influence? I pray that I am.
We must have an informed, Jesus-centered world-view. We must have a grasp on the state of our planet in light of the return of Christ. And then, we must be fully present in the moment before us, using information as a launch-pad to action so that we might go deep with God and with people.
Grow in the grace & knowledge
of our Lord & Savior,
Jesus Christ.
~2 Peter 3:18~
Jackie Rettberg
Hi friend! I have finally gotten around to finding my way to your blog. i loved what you wrote. I have been thinking a great deal about engaging the world with the Mind of Christ and there you were writing about being informed about the Christian world view. I am wondering these days how much women in the church want to be thinkers about the Christian world view or are they content to just enjoy Christian fellowship. It is a concern!!! Love you, Jackie
By the way your blogs spot is beautiful and it is the first one I have ever visited!!!!!!!!!!!
Being informed is not for the faint of heart. Perhaps that’s part of what deters Christians from the pursuit. And, if your faith in the sovereignty of God is not up to speed, the state of our world can send you right to the depths of despair.
We are in the last days. We are fighting a battle that increases in intensity. And it will increase until the age of Grace comes to an end.
It’s much, much easier to hide inside the trappings of our “christian culture”. But we won’t be able to hide there for too much longer!